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The Two-Step Guide to Your Health Goals


Many people wait for a big occasion like the New Year or a birthday to make health goals, however you can choose to make these at any time. Now is as good a time as any.

Create some space to find clarity around what you truly want in your life. I know for me, this space allows me to set clear goals. However, once you’ve set your health goals, the next step is figuring out how to achieve them.

“Health is the true currency of living a happy life.” 
- Ben Warren

Because this can feel a bit daunting, I’ve put together two key tips that I use for setting my goals and achieving them.

Here is my guide to support you in achieving your health goals.

1. Motivation

Set your Goals or Intentions
Use the space you've found to really think about your intentions and set health goals that are right for you. Our BePure Stress and Energy Questionnaire is a great place to start. To make yourself more accountable you could write them down or tell a friend.

Understand your WHY
Prioritising goals will help you stay motivated. To help you prioritise your goal, find the ‘WHY’ or the key driver to your goal.

My goal this year is to exercise more. The key driver for me is knowing that in  exercising right for me.

I’m adding value to my life in the long run. In other words, every hour I exercise I’m gaining quality time at the end of my life. Exercise activates the lymphatic system to help the body’s detox pathways, it’s critical for mood and can help increase insulin sensitivity supporting energy levels.

2. Ability

Join the Dots
Planning how you are going to achieve your goals is crucial to achieving them. Part of planning means creating an environment that will nourish your ability to achieve your goals. For example, if you have a health goal to go gluten free  or  sugar free, to achieve these goals you need to plan what you will eat instead of eating gluten or sugar containing foods. Choosing not to bring gluten or sugar containing foods into the house will make it much easier to avoid eating these foods.

Break it All Down
Break your health goals down into smaller goals to achieve on a more frequent basis. These smaller goals can then be broken down again into daily habits.

By creating daily healthy habits and achieving small goals frequently, it makes reaching the big end goal much more achievable.

For example, if you are trying to cut out coffee, start by cutting down how much coffee you drink in increments. If you are currently drinking 3 coffees a day, cut this back to 1 coffee and after 4 weeks cut this back to 3 a week and so on until you have cut it out completely.

Visualise yourself along each step of the way.

“By creating daily healthy habits and achieving small goals frequently, reaching the big end goal becomes much more achievable.”

Increase Your Energy
Increasing your energy levels will help you to achieve your goals. BePure’s principle behind everything we do is to give you the energy to live your life they way you want to.

Having energy is essential to being able to take action. 
Daily essential nutrients give our bodies the necessary fuel to function optimally and live an energised life. If we are bouncing out of bed in the morning, we are more likely to be able (and want) to do all the things that are necessary to achieve our goals. I’ve put together this nourishing summer bowl recipe, full nutrients to increase your energy levels.

Where do I recommend you start with your health goals?

Having a firm WHY behind your health goals is 'gasoline' when it comes to lighting your fire of motivation.

Having the ability to make a change and knowing HOW to do it, will actually get you across the finish line. Many times when we do not achieve our health goals it's not because we didn’t have the motivation but because we don’t actually have a plan to achieve them!

For extra support along your health journey join our BePure Community facebook group or give us a call on 0800 52 54 52. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

Take the Questionnaire

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

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