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The BePure Food Pyramids


Ben Warren's nationwide tour: The Hormone Secret

Finding out what food your body needs for optimal health and vitality is one of the greatest things you can learn about yourself. When you get the right ratio of protein, fats and carbs for your body you will increase your energy, mood and satisfaction after eating.

We know that there isn’t one correct way of eating for everyone. In this week’s pillar of health, we’ve looked at tailoring your nutrition to include more proteins and fats, or carbs depending on your unique genetic makeup.

Our BePure food pyramids take the confusion out of eating according to your macronutrient type. They also have leafy green vegetables - not processed grains - at the bottom, forming the basis of your diet for nutrient density and health.

In this blog, Ben talks you through whether or not you are a protein type, a carb type or a mixed type. He explains how you can tell which group you belong to, as well as showing you the BePure pyramid you need to tailor your nutrition.

All of us are genetically suited to eating somewhere on a continuum between protein and fats and carbohydrates. This means, some of us will do well eating most of our diet at the protein/fats end of the scale and are considered “protein types”, while others thrive off plant-based proteins which are higher in complex carbohydrates and are “carb types”. Another group of people will be “mixed types” who need an equal amount of carbs, fats and proteins at every meal.

Protein Type

Many protein types share similar characteristics. However, if you’re protein type, that doesn’t mean you’re like everyone who’s a protein type in the way you react to foods, your appetite and so on, as you’re completely unique on a metabolic level.

Nonetheless, here are some typical characteristics you may have as a protein type;

  • Strong appetites - Protein types tend to have a strong appetite to the point of being ravenously hungry a lot throughout the day. You may feel the need to eat often, and you may have a hard time feeling satisfied with meals and snacks.
  • Cravings for fatty, salty foods. Protein types usually find themselves gravitating towards rich, fatty, salty foods like meat, nuts, cheeses etc. However if you stray too far from these heavier foods and consume too many carbohydrates, you may find yourself craving sugar. The likelihood is that the more you eat anything sweet, the stronger your cravings become, and eating sugar most likely causes your energy to drop or may make you feel nervous and jittery.

If you are a protein type, following this pyramid is a good way to construct your meals. As a basic guide approximately 70% of your calories should come from protein and fat, with 30% coming from carbs. Ensuring you include a protein and a fat at every meal will help reach this target.

Examples of meals that suit a protein type

Carb Type

Many carb types share similar characteristics. Here are some typical characteristics you may have as a carb type;

  • Relatively Weak appetite. For a carb type a little bit of food tends to go a long way. You may eat three meals a day, but often the meals won’t be large. Or you may find that you’re satisfied with one or two meals and several small snacks throughout the day. Whatever your routine, chances are that food does not play an important role in your awareness daily.

  • High Tolerance for Sweets. Carb types generally can handle sweets pretty well. This can be both a blessing and a curse, for although you can handle sweets, they can also be your downfall. Your tendency might be to reach for them whenever you’re hungry or need an energy boost, so you can easily overdo sweets, which can increase insulin resistance and over time your chance of being diabetic.

If you are a carb type, following this pyramid is a good way to construct your meals. As a basic guide approximately 70% of your calories should come from gluten free carbohydrates, with 30% coming from fats and protein. It’s still important to include a small amount of protein at every meal as it is good for your body. You simply don’t require a lot to keep you full.

Examples of meals that suit a carb type

Mixed Type

Mixed types fall somewhere on the macronutrient profile scale between Protein Types and Carb Types. In this sense they’re a blend or mixture of the two.

Some mixed types will fall more on either side of the mixed scale i.e. be more on the protein side of mixed, or more on the carb type side of mixed.

Many mixed types share similar characteristics. Here are some typical characteristics you may have in common as a mixed type;

  • Variable appetite.  Mixed types tend to have average appetites. They tend to feel hungry at meal times but typically do not get hungry or think about food too much at other times.
  • Weight control. Mixed types have the capacity to do well on the widest range of foods, and for this reason they’re less likely to have a problem with weight. But the freedom to eat a wide range of foods is not the unrestricted free-for-all it may seem at first glance. It’s also a requirement. When mixed types eat a restricted or one-sided diet (metabolically speaking) they can develop weight problems.

If you are a mixed type, following this pyramid is a good way to construct your meals. As a basic guide approximately 50% of your calories should come from gluten free carbohydrates, with 50% coming from fats and protein.  


Examples of meals suited to mixed types

This blog is part of our 10 pillars of health series. Each week we will deliver content, recipes and challenges relevant to each pillar of health that we believe are the foundations for living a healthier, happier, more energised life. The idea being that if we focus on making progress in one area each week it will be easier, and more sustainable, over the long-term.



Ben Warren presents
'The Hormone Secret'

The Hormone Secret, presented by Ben Warren

Have stubborn weight that just won't budge, energy slumps, painful PMS or menopause issues? Join Ben Warren as he shares the secret role hormones play in your health, why our modern world is working against healthy female hormones and how to naturally heal your hormones and bring them back to balance. This is information every woman needs to know. Learn more and register here. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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