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How To Create A Wholesome Kitchen


We know it can be easy to start stressing about how the food we eat is impacting our health especially when there is so much choice, however, this is counteractive, even when we have the best intentions.

Pre-planning ahead makes maintaining a healthy lifestyle all the more convenient. 

Pre-planning ahead makes maintaining a healthy lifestyle all the more convenient. Having nourishing pantry staples on hand makes it easy to whip up a delicious meal that give you energy and nutrients, while keeping your blood sugar levels steady. 

Here's an abridged list of healthy kitchen staples to turn yours into one of nourishing goodness.

Gluten-free Grain Alternatives

Brown basmati rice retains the hull and bran providing natural wholeness making it rich in protein, thiamine, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium and fibre.

Quinoa White/Red is a high protein seed that contains all 9 amino acids, making it a complete protein contains important molecules that have shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects.

Rolled Oats contain soluble fibre and insoluble fibre, helping in keeping you full, balancing your blood sugars, improving digestion and transit time. (If you have Coeliac Disease, make sure the oats you buy are specified as gluten-free.

Buckwheat is actually a seed, found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that help prevent platelet clot formation inside blood vessels.

Polenta is coarsely ground yellow cornmeal and a low carbohydrate food rich in vitamin A and C.

Amaranth is low GI and supplies a good supply of lysine, an amino acid the body cannot make, but important for proper growth and energy production especially useful to prevent cold sores. 

Millet is an easily digestible grain that aids in alkalising the body. It also acts as a prebiotic, feeding micro-flora in your inner ecosystem. The serotonin in millet has a positive calming effect on mood. 

Gluten-free flours

Coconut flour
Almond flour
Brown rice flour


Black beans
Borlotti beans
Butter beans
Cannellini beans
Kidney beans

Dairy Alternatives

Raw milk 
Plain unsweetened coconut yoghurt 
Hard cheese (hard cheese contain less lactose than soft cheese. If you tolerate dairy, hard are a healthier option.)
Organic, free-range eggs 
Organic butter (butter has no lactose)
Coconut milk 
Coconut cream 

Note: We like Ayam Brand for our coconut milk and cream.


Raw Almonds
Raw Cashews
Raw Brazil nuts
Raw Walnuts
Chia seeds
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds 

Nut Butters

100% Peanut butter
100% Almond butter

Healthy Fats

For high-heat cooking:
Cold-press, extra-virgin Coconut oil 
Clarified butter/ghee
Duck fat

For medium-heat cooking:
Organic butter

For low-heat cooking:
Cold-press, extra-virgin 
olive oil


Raw honey
100% pure maple syrup 


If you feel like you need some support to kickstart your health journey in 2019, we are currently offering 45-minute BePure Holistic Health Consultations with strictly limited availability.

- Set realistic health goals
- Personalised diet, lifestyle and nutrition recommendations
- Form healthy habits and action steps to achieve your health goals

All with the support and guidance of a skilled BePure Holistic Health Consultant. 


Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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