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BePure Gut Health Pack FAQS


The BePure Gut Health Pack includes BePure Gut Assist and BePure Gut Renew Probiotic. The BePure Gut Health Pack is what Ben Warren recommends as the first step in supporting your complete upper and lower digestive health.

To get the best benefits from BePure Gut Renew it is recommended you take this alongside BePure One and BePure Three

Who is the BePure Gut Health Pack for?

Unfortunately due to poor diet choices, nutritional deficiencies such as zinc deficiency and the process of ageing, many people are not naturally producing the optimal level of digestive enzymes required for healthy digestion.

We are also no longer consuming the same level of beneficial bacteria in our foods. Alongside this, we are exposed to increasing toxins, antibiotic medicines and high sugar intakes that are all shown to adversely impact our beneficial gut bacteria.The BePure Gut Health pack will support anyone experiencing;
Upper and lower digestive issues
  • Bloating
  • Inflammation
  • Leaky Gut
  • Nutrient deficiencies, especially zinc deficiency
  • Ageing (we lose the ability to produce digestive enzymes as we age)
  • Low immunity
  • Reflux / Heartburn
  • Gut issues
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Unstable moods

BePure Gut Renew Probiotic

BePure Gut Probiotic

Q. Can I take this if I have an intolerance to casein?

A. There are small amounts of lactose in this supplement. You should be able to tolerate this probiotic if you have a dairy sensitivity/intolerance. Avoid if you have a lactose allergy.

Q. Can I take this if I am vegetarian/vegan?

A. Contains traces of dairy, suitable for vegetarians but not vegans.

Q. Why doesn't it need to be kept in the fridge? I've heard probiotics should be refrigerated for highest quality?

A. This probiotic is stable at room temperature; however, refrigerating it may increase shelf life. Refrigeration is recommended if room temperature exceeds 30ºC.

Q. Can I take this on a low FODMAP diet?

A. No - this probiotic contains FOS and therefore should not be taken on a low-FODMAP diet. After the reintroduction phase of the FODMAP diet is complete, introduce the probiotic on a day that you are not trialing/reintroducing any other high FODMAP foods.

Q. Can children take this/what age can you start taking this?

A. Prior to taking, ensure that your child is capable of safely swallowing capsules. If under 12 years old, take half the adult dose.

Q. Is this safe to take when pregnant and breastfeeding?

A. Yes, this is safe to take when pregnant and breastfeeding

Q. When do you take these/what time of day? Do you take these with food?

A. Ideally, these probiotics will be taken on an empty stomach. Either upon waking or prior to sleep.

Q. How long do I need to take this for?

A. Until symptoms resolve or ongoing for optimal health.

Q. What side effects should I expect? What should I do if I get side effects?

A. You may experience changes in stool consistency, increases in gas production or increased bloating. Should these side effects occur, trial a lower dose for two weeks, then retry the full dose. Discontinue if lowering the dose does not resolve side-effects.

Q. What are the other ingredients for?

A. Prebiotics to feed the probiotics, glutamine to stimulate protein synthesis in the gut and may help to repair intestinal permeability and encapsulating aids.

Q. Why would I want to take these?

A. Various reasons. Ranging from regulating bowel motions to mental health to immune function health.

Q. Can the capsules be opened and placed into a beverage or onto food?

A. Yes, this is a great way for younger children to use probiotics. However, they are more effective when taken in the capsule due to its slow release design.

Q. What testing is done to ensure the viability of bacteria?

A. Microbiological testing is used to count the viable bacteria and absence of pathogens.

Q. We understand that the probiotics are grown on a dairy substrate, what other substrates are used for cultivation?

FOS is used as prebiotic for the bacteria to feed on. (Casein, whey, lactose, etc). 

Q. Also are the strains acid resistant (to get through HCL)?

A. We used delayed release (DR) capsules to insure the bacteria pass the stomach without exposure to the acid.

Q. Are there any other allergens in the environment in which is manufactured such as nuts or gluten?

A. This product is free of allergens.

Q. Is there a guarantee of bacteria numbers through the shelf life?

A. No guarantee. Most of the products in the market if not all, claim the viable bacteria at the time of manufacture. 

BePure Gut Assist

BePure Gut Assist

Q. Is this safe to take if I have IBD (Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis)? Gallbladder removed?

A. Yes, this supplement may support individuals with digestive conditions.

Q. Are there any other contraindications? Gastric bypass or IBD medication etc.

Avoid if you have a history of (or current) oesophageal ulcers or reflux.

Q. What is the reasoning behind the warnings with peptic ulcers and proton pump inhibitors such as Omeprazole?

A. This medication may be contraindicated with Gut Assist.

Q. Can children take this/what age can you start taking this?

A. This product is not recommended for under 12s.

Q. Is this safe to take when pregnant and breastfeeding?

A. This product is not recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding

Q. When do you take these/what time of day? Do you take these with food?

A. Take before food or while eating (up to 3 times per day).

Q. How long do I need to take this for?

A. Until symptoms resolve or while working on restoring gut health.

Q. What side effects should I expect? What should I do if I get side effects?

A. Should you experience an increase in diarrhea, trial a lower dose for two weeks, then retry the full dose. Discontinue if lowering the dose does not resolve side-effects. If you experience heartburn/acid reflux, please discontinue use.



Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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BePure Health Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

Take the Questionnaire

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

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