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7 Ways To Stay Energised This Autumn


Autumn has arrived, bringing with it shorter days and a crispness in the air. Change is the one thing we can always be guaranteed of in life and the shift in seasons is a reminder that change is always constant.

This seasonal shift can impact hormone production and it is perfectly normal to experience changes in energy levels at this time of the year. Now is the time to embrace this gentler energy of the cooler season and let your body flow with the environment around you.

“This seasonal shift can impact hormone production and it is perfectly normal to experience changes in energy levels at this time of the year.”

We need to nourish our bodies with nutrients, give our bodies time and make changes in our daily routines to adjust to the new season and stay energised.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can stay energised this Autumn:

1. Boost your immunity

As we get closer to winter it’s common for colds and flu to do the rounds, making now the perfect time to boost your immunity. To combat seasonal colds, boost your immune system with vitamin C and zinc. 

  • Vitamin C is a vital nutrient. Vitamin C - also known as ascorbic acid - is important for fighting infections. It works as an antioxidant to protect our bodies from damage, is involved in the growth of our bones, tendons, ligaments and skin and helps us absorb other essential nutrients, such as iron, better.
  • Zinc acts as an antioxidant, controlling the activity of over 300 enzymes within your body. It also controls your body's ability to uptake other minerals. When you’re battling a cold or the flu, you need to be absorbing all the nutrients you can get! Making sure you have adequate levels of zinc is a priority for everyone.

To combat seasonal colds, boost your immune system with vitamin C and zinc.”

2. Enjoy More Sleep

As the days get shorter, it’s only natural that our sleep-wake cycle shifts too. Our autonomic nervous system controls our sleep-wake cycle, which is our natural circadian rhythm.

Our circadian rhythm is naturally in tune with the sun, where your cortisol levels are higher during the day and lower at night. In contrast, your melatonin levels should be lower during the day and higher at night. This means during the colder months with shorter days and longer nights, your body naturally attempts to optimise energy by prioritising sleep.

3. Take Time to Rest & Restore

In contrast to summer, where we spend a lot of time outdoors, Autumn is the time of year to move into a time of rest and relaxation for the body. During this time you’ll notice your body needing longer rest periods, so listen to your body. When you feel like you could use an extra hour of sleep, take it.

To help your body restore, you can practice activating your ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic nervous system. Many people will benefit from a walk, restorative yoga, reading, belly breathing or meditation and generally just spending time slowing down. In fact, because the body perceives all stress the same, a high intensity work out or run is more stressful to the body, which is what you are trying to avoid this time of the year. So instead, create space for a daily mindfulness practice that suits you.

4. Avoid dairy, gluten, processed sugar and grains

Seasonal allergies are a result of the immune system reacting to an allergen in our environment. If the immune system is compromised, which may be due to a food intolerance, it is more likely that this will lead to more extreme seasonal allergies.

Dairy is a common culprit we see in the BePure Clinic for aggravating seasonal allergies. If you experience allergies, it’s best to avoid foods that can contribute to an unbalanced microbiome. This also includes gluten and processed sugar and grains.

Allergy Tip: If you wake up feeling blocked up or sneezing, have a large glass of warm salty water.

And for that matter, this goes for noticing allergy symptoms anytime of the day. Dissolve 2 tsp of mineral salt into slightly warm filtered water and drink on an empty stomach. The mineral salt helps to flush the histamine causing the reaction as well as helping the body break it down.

“Allergy Tip: If you wake up feeling blocked up or sneezing, have a large glass of warm salty water.”

5. Stay hydrated

When the weather is cooler, we often forget to drink optimal amounts of water. However, our body is made up of 60% water, so making sure that you are getting optimal amounts of water is essential for feeling good with optimal health and energy.

Quick Tip: During the cooler months, if you prefer drinking hot drinks, caffeine-free teas such as chamomile, peppermint, licorice or rooibos will all count towards your water intake. So does bone broth, which will also support your gut health and energy levels.

6. Eat Seasonal Produce

Eating nutrient rich seasonal produce is important in providing our bodies what they naturally need. Seasonal produce is more likely to be higher in essential nutrients than fruit and veggies that aren't in season. Autumn brings with it an abundance of delicious fruits and root veggies such as pumpkin, kumara and parsnips. Try this Kumara, Quinoa and Kale Fritter Recipe.

Eating nutrient rich seasonal produce is important in providing our bodies what they naturally need.”

As the months get cooler, it is essential to get as many nutrients as possible from what we eat, to help boost our energy levels and immune system. Nature is pretty clever this way. Fruits that are in season at the moment such as oranges, figs and pears are all rich in vitamin C.

I also recommend adding a high-quality multivitamin to fill any nutritional gaps. As eating energy-giving seasonal foods combined with nutritional support, will help your energy levels and overall health and vitality.

7. Cook and steam your veggies

Autumn is also a time to include slow cooked or steamed vegetables in your diet, rather than salads, to give your digestive system a break. Our stomach acid also naturally tends to decrease in strength in the cooler months, making it harder to digest raw veggies anyway. My favourite way to eat autumn seasonal produce is to saute them in bone broth.

“My favourite way to eat autumn seasonal produce is to saute them in bone broth.”

Autumn is a nice time to slow down and enjoy some quiet time to rest and restore, sleep and focus on healthy nutrition, diet and lifestyle choices. Allow this seasonal shift to be a chance to nurture yourself by eating fresh seasonal foods and living in alignment with nature.

To understand your body and to unlock the energy you need this Autumn, a good place to start is to take the BePure Energy and Stress Questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to give you a personal snapshot of your current energy and stress status.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

Take the Questionnaire

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

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