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5 Red Flags to Look for When Choosing Supps


Most of us health-conscious types will already be getting some of our nutrients from the foods we eat – especially if we are prioritising the same nutrient-dense foods our ancestors would have eaten (tip – if it comes wrapped in plastic, it’s not natural!).

This means a diet high in plant foods; leafy greens, fresh seasonal produce, soaking and sprouting grains, eating all parts of the animal – including organ meat – and utilising good quality natural fats as a core part of our diet. 

However, even if you’re eating a nutrient-rich, wholefoods diet, our modern lifestyles still make it challenging, if not impossible, to get the full range of essential nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. Luckily, we can easily top up with supplements, ticking all the boxes and restoring our bodies back to balance. 

However, even if you’re eating a nutrient-rich, wholefoods diet, our modern lifestyles still make it challenging, if not impossible, to get the full range of essential nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. 

What to look for in your supplements:

If you’re ready for a nutrient boost, it’s important you understand how to choose a supplement that is right for you and actually going to do what it claims on the bottle. 

In a world overflowing with information, getting your head around what you need and how best to get it can be overwhelming. To help make it easier, we’ve outlined some key factors to keep an eye out for:

1. Avoid Nasties – Fillers and Toxins

It may be surprising to learn that some nasty ingredients like chemicals, artificial colours, and sweeteners can easily find their way into your supplement. What ends up happening is that the actual goodness in the supps gets put to work clearing all the junk they also contain, rather than actually nourishing your body!

What ends up happening is that the actual goodness in the supps gets put to work clearing all the junk they also contain, rather than actually nourishing your body!

These ingredients are not there for your health but instead are aimed to reduce cost or ease the burden of manufacturing. Read your supplement label with the same care you would apply to evaluating a food label.

Do some detective work and look for supplements free from wheat, gluten, egg, peanuts, coatings, shellacs, GMOs, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, artificial colours, flavours, and sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, propylene glycol, BHT, BHA, talc, or other unnecessary binders, fillers, and preservatives.

2. Strength of ingredients

Make sure you check the dosage to ensure that whatever supplement you’re taking has enough nutrients for you to feel a difference.

In fact – the recommended daily allowance (RDA) the minimum amount needed to not have a disease deficiency. But what if we want to have optimal health?

In fact – the recommended daily allowance (RDA) the minimum amount needed to not have a disease deficiency. 

High strength supplements will give your body the health kick it needs, supporting your overall wellness.

3. Quality of ingredients

We know that taking quality nutritional supplements to help with specific nutrient deficiencies is key to experiencing health, energy and wellness. But, not all supplements are made the same.

Be sure to take the necessary precautions to ensure quality and safety. Always check to see where a product is made, whether it is tested and/or has any certifications.

For example when purchasing an omega-3 fish oil, it’s important to check if it is tested for mercury or heavy metals, as well checking as oxidation to ensure the oil isn’t rancid.

4. Bioavailable and active forms

Check to see if the nutrients you’re taking are in bioavailable and active forms.

‘Bioavailable’ means that the body can absorb the nutrients easily and utilise them effectively. An active form is where the body does not have to convert the nutrients in order to use them. Ask your health professional if you’re unsure.

5. Ingredients

Say you’ve decided to start supplementing your daily essential nutrients with a multivitamin, it’s important to check if your supplement has all the nutrients your body requires to function optimally.

For example, the BePure One multivitamin has over 50 bioavailable, active ingredients including the key trace minerals that we are deficient in New Zealand soils: Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, Boron, Molybdenum, Manganese, Magnesium, Chromium, as well as a broad range of antioxidants in a base of organic leafy greens.

It’s also important to enquire about whether or not the ingredients have a synergistic effect, meaning that they work together to increase effectiveness.

In short – there’s nothing more frustrating than putting so much time and effort into your health, only to not experience the fruits of your labour. To support the intricate systems and pathways of your body, micronutrients are crucial (and we know you’ll feel better for them!). If you’re feeling confused about how to get started, get in touch with our team and we can talk you through it. A holistic approach, for optimal health and wellness. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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