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4 Tips to Nurture Your Gut For A Healthy Mind


When our moods begin to spiral out of control into anxiety or depression, our gut health is not necessarily the first thing you think of. But should it be?

Your gut health is about way more than just digestion; the world of the human microbiome is much more complex than that, as it impacts almost every other aspect of our health and wellness.

As it turns out, these little microbes also play a huge role in our mood.

The trillions of beneficial bacteria that live in our gut are responsible for coordinating many other bodily functions such as; regulating our immune system, balancing our blood sugars, supporting inflammation and as it turns out, these little microbes also play a huge role in our mood! Let's have a closer look at why.

1. Your Gut Produces ‘Happy Hormones’

One of the most important (and probably overlooked) benefits of a healthy microbiome is a balanced mood. We often think of mood as originating in the brain, but your gut has more in common with your emotions than you may think.

One of the most important (and probably overlooked) benefits of a healthy microbiome is a balanced mood.

In fact, our gut has sometimes been referred to as our ‘second brain’, as our gut and brain communicate closely through the gut-brain axis. Did you know arguably 70% to 90% of our serotonin (our ‘feel good’ hormone) is produced in the gut?

2. Your Gut Absorbs ‘Mood-Boosting Nutrients’

Your beneficial bacteria help to break down and digest the food you eat so that you can absorb the nutrients you need to feel good. Some probiotics even produce their own mood-boosting B vitamins!

Some probiotics even produce their own mood-boosting B vitamins!

3. Great Gut Health Promotes Destressing

Another thing to be aware of, is our modern day lifestyles are more often than not, sending us in the direction of burnout… which can quickly lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and other health issues impacting our happiness in life.

This is where our beneficial bacteria can support us as they stabilise our cortisol (our ‘stress’ hormone) levels and support inflammation levels, which are thought to be at the root of many emotional and physical health challenges.

4. Great Gut Health Supports Quality Sleep

Sleep is also crucial to mention here as we all know how a lack of sleep can negatively affect our energy levels and mind health. Our friendly gut bacteria produce and regulate important neurotransmitters and amino acids (like serotonin and tryptophan) that help you get the quality sleep you need to recharge and feel your best.


4 Tips to Nurture Your Gut For A Healthy Mind

1. Eat Gut Loving Fermented Foods

Fermented foods help restore the correct balance and diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Fermented foods include sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, yoghurt and kimchi. Try these recipes.

2. Prioritise Winding Down and De-stressing

Large amounts of ongoing stress can negatively impact your gut microbiome. To support your gut, it’s a good idea to manage stress levels from all aspects of your life. Some tips we recommend to bring more calm into your life include; going for a walk in nature, breathing exercises or practising restorative yoga.

3. Take a Holiday From Sugar

Sugar is a favourite food of our non-beneficial bacteria! The more sugar that you consume, the more fuel you give to the ‘bad guys’ – yeasts – living in your gut. This can throw your gut microbiome out of balance, as an ‘army’ of bad guys could start taking over.  

4. Eat Real Whole Foods & Add in Probiotics

By eating a whole food diet full of green vegetables and nourishing carbohydrates, fats and proteins, alongside adding back in beneficial bacteria with the likes of a high-quality probiotic, we can change the bacteria in our gut within a couple of days, and re-energise our body as well as our mind.

We can change the bacteria in our gut within a couple of days, and re-energise our body as well as our mind.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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