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What you've been saying about us!


Ben latest 'What's Your Health Story' seminar has been touring the country for three weeks, with his latest event in Wellington completely selling out.

With your feedback flowing in, Ben and our BePure team have been humbled and overwhelmed by the positive response from those who have attended the seminar so far. So much so, we felt we had to share a little of what some of you have had to say so far.

Life Changing. I have spent the better part of the last 10 years trying to sleep better, have more energy and generally not feel like absolute kaka every day. My husband and I went to Ben's Orewa seminar last month and It completely blew my mind... My whole family thank you for being so devoted to natural Ben.” - Jade

This was one of the best seminars I've attended. Ben is so knowledgeable & obviously a highly intelligent man however he has the knack of being able to engage with the audience on an individual level and makes everything he talks about so easy to understand and relate to. Thank you for a fantastic and informative seminar. Definitely an event everybody needs to go to. Thank you so much Ben.” - Anonymous

After years of working with clients at the BePure clinics, Ben has seen the one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness fail us time and time again. His new event is his response to this. 'What's Your Health Story,' covers completely new content in a unique and interactive way, based on you and your health.  

Prior to the event, we're sending everyone a questionnaire to help you assess your own health and wellness. Ben will then cumulate the results and address the key areas of concern for the audience during the seminar.

Inspiring. A great night in Orewa. Thanks Ben for the ever so interesting talk on all aspects of health and nutrition... Would recommend this event to everyone interested in healing naturally.” – Trish

We all know that making lifestyle changes toward a life of optimal health and wellness can be tricky. From Friday night wines to finding the time to make that healthy lunch! In this seminar, Ben will give you practical and realistic nutrition options that are suited to your body and lifestyle.  

“A wealth of knowledge. Thanks Ben for a fascinating talk, you inspire me to want to pursue study in nutrition. It connected a lot of dots for me and I will be implementing these changes into my diet.” – Debbie

“Well worth it! Ben gave a brilliant presentation, addressing so many health issues. Personally I gained so much from the evening and have already implemented much of his advice. Highly recommend!” – Jane 

“The best content ever!! Was seriously amazing!!” - anonymous

During the event, Ben will be asking members of the audience to come up on stage and talk about their own personal health story. After all, this is an event about your health story - so it's time to get personal! 

“It was very professional. Ben is fantastic in his delivery and I like the level of research that is behind everything. It was a very positive experience. Thank you!!!!” - anonymous

 “Amazing thank you - super cool you’re spreading the word of how key diet is to great health (with an extensive science-based knowledge & background). So many people don't know this & live their life in pain, being unwell and not as mentally sound as they could be. I was very fortunate to figure a lot of this out on my own with the help of my Mum & last night was awesome to reinforce & gain a greater understanding of how your body functions & that it's all so interrelated!!” - anonymous

We've been touched to receive this feedback. If you've attended one of our seminars please let us know how your experience was.  

“Awesome night a real eye opener and a life changing event. Well done guys!" - anonymous

"Loved it and would definitely consider going to other events Ben holds; very enlightening!” - anonymous


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Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

Take the Questionnaire

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

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