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The Clinic Series: How to mind your health with Jontel Kiwi Kiwi


Ben Warren's nationwide tour: The Hormone Secret

"Being able to teach my clients to gauge how their physical health responds to their emotional health and take control of that connection is a really rewarding part of my job. Every small moment of illumination is a big success in my eyes." – Jontel Kiwi Kiwi

BePure Clinical Consultant Jontel Kiwi Kiwi

Meet Jontel Kiwi Kiwi. She's part of the incredible team of Clinical Consultants at the Auckland BePure Clinic.

With a powerful personal health journey and a love of using natural plants, kind words and creativity towards optimal health, Jontel is an expert in the holistic aspect of BePure's scientific and holistic approach to health and wellness.

What we put into our bodies is just one part of what impacts our physical wellbeing. This includes the things we tell ourselves each day, the way we move through the world, the expectations we have and the stresses we place on ourselves. 

In this blog, Jontel shares her favourite daily herb, why we all need to be kinder to ourselves and practical tips for getting it all done. 


1. Can you tell me about your health story?

Growing up I was surrounded by nurses and teachers. As a child, my nana (who was a nurse) would make me porridge every morning. She had a ‘special jar’ that she filled with gelatine powder, seeds of all kinds, silica powder, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric and heaps of other stuff. She'd douse my porridge in it, then I would get homeopathic tablets, a spoonful of cod liver oil and be sent off to school totally loaded up.

I’d always complain and she’d say “it’s good for you, eat up.” And it was! My nana passed away halfway through my degree so it was nice to be able to look back at those memories while I was studying for my degree in Natural Medicine, Medical Herbs and Naturopathy. Now I can share these lessons with clients and family (in a much yummier way!). 


2. Which herb would you recommend adding into your routine?

Ashwagandha! It’s ground from the root of the perennial Withania Somnifera plant and you can purchase this as a powder and put it into your smoothies. It’s an adaptogen and supports the body’s response to its environment and circumstances by accessing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (a central hormone pathway). This allows chemical messages within your body to travel efficiently, creating an anti-stress effect.


3. When did you know you wanted to become a consultant?

In my 20’s I developed depression and immediately sought out the help of a naturopath. It was at this stage that my health journey really began. Working with my naturopath I learned to listen to myself and to tune in to what was really going, not just cover it up and distract myself with other things. I also learned how to meditate and really take time out to listen to my emotions and the needs of my body.  

"I really learned to listen to myself and to tune in to what was really going, not just cover it up and distract myself with other things."

I later realised that if I had never reached that stage of depression, I never would have learned to deal with what was actually going on. My journey to healing was a very empowering experience.  My purpose at BePure is to share the empowerment that I felt then with my clients. I want to help them understand what is going on within their body and find healing through that.

If you suspect you are struggling with depression-like symptoms please seek assistance. You can contact your GP or health care provider, the BePure team at, or the depression helpline at 0800 111 757.


4. As a consultant what is the most rewarding part of working with your clients?

I love having this incredible opportunity to co-create a space of energy and empowerment. There is no judgment, blame or feeling of lacking, only the sense that we are on a journey together and working towards the common goal of learning and healing.

"Every small moment of illumination is a big success in my eyes."

Being able to teach my clients to gauge how their physical health responds to their emotional health and take control of that connection is a really rewarding part of my job. Every small moment of illumination is a big success in my eyes. 


5. What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given on your health journey?

Speak to yourself and talk to yourself like you’re your own best friend. You deserve to be treated with love, kindness and understanding by yourself!

"Speak to yourself and talk to yourself like you’re your own best friend."

It’s a common theme I’ve seen for clients to feel that they’re not enough or they should be doing more.

"Try filtering the self-talk and phrase things the way you would if you were talking to a friend."

You might not even notice the negative self-talk, for example, “Damn, I forgot to take my supplements at lunch, that was so stupid of me,” or “I had too much sugar today, I really messed up.” Try filtering the self-talk and phrase things the way you would if you were talking to a friend.


6. How do you practice holistic health and wellness in your life?

I daydream whenever I can. Whenever I’m in a moment that could otherwise seem mundane, for example doing the dishes or the washing, it’s great to just think about what is happening visually and within a few minutes, you've created an entire picture book of stories. Spending time unleashing your creative spirit is a lovely, rejuvenating way to stay connected to the lightness and wonder of life – and a fun way to tone down the stress!

"Spending time unleashing your creative spirit is a lovely, rejuvenating way to stay connected to the lightness and wonder of life."


7. When it comes to your health journey, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you overcome it?

Fitting it all in has by far been my biggest challenge. In the past, I’ve maintained a very strict regime but this isn’t a fun way to live life long term and it’s actually counterintuitive and counterproductive to what we’re trying to do.

"Easing up on the rigidity of a regime and trusting that you’re capable of taking care of yourself is really important."

Many of us hold onto the idea of ‘this has to be done EXACTLY like this, otherwise I’m not doing it correctly.' But that's not the case, in becoming so attached to a regime the minute we step outside of it we’re faced with self blame. Easing up on the rigidity of a regime, finding balance and trusting that you’re capable of taking care of yourself is really important.

"I keep weekday meals simple and bring leftovers for lunch."

To overcome this now I focus on going with the flow. I do a mix of ordering food online and going to local produce stores. Fruits and vegetables that are on the dirty dozen list I buy organic and I like to buy organic, free range meat. On Sunday I’ll make a big batch of something like chicken soup and freeze some of the portions so I've got a backup if it all turns to custard. I keep weekday meals simple and bring leftovers for lunch the following day. I also have allocated time for yoga and meditation (even just 10 minutes) but I’m happy if any of this needs to change at any time.  


8. What would you eat on a typical day?

Breakfast: Protein-rich smoothie with coconut milk, pea protein, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, ½ banana, chia seeds, soaked nuts, and a blob of coconut yoghurt on top

Liquids: Apple cider vinegar in warm water through the day

Lunch: Leftovers - today it’s venison meatballs on a bed of greens and black rice

Afternoon snack: Dark chocolate (usually 2 squares)

Dinner: Chicken soup with lots of veggies, lentils and split peas


9. What is the best part about the service we offer people through the Clinic?

When you come to the BePure Clinic for your initial consultation we go through your health story. From this I’m able to get a really good idea of how you want to be communicated with and how you operate. To be able to help you achieve your best results, both holistic and science based, we’ll move forward in a way that’s comfortable for you. I’ll make a plan for you, but each step of the way we’ll nut this out and set the pace together, working on one thing at a time. It’s a very engaged and personal experience.  


10. What’s your go-to meal?

Kimchi pancakes! It’s not an original idea but I tried it when I went out for brunch with some friends and decided to give it a go at home. It’s really easy to whip-up, delicious and gluten free.

Kimchi Pancakes

Jontel Kiwi Kiwi Kimchi Pancakes



  • 1 cup kimchi
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 1/2 clove grated garlic
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 cup chickpea flour
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil

Optional toppings

  • Grated beetroot
  • Leafy greens
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Coconut yoghurt dressing: mix with 1 tsp olive oil or 1/4 tsp sesame oil


  1. Mix kimchi and egg together, add dry ingredients, mix well.
  2. Heat 1/2 tsp coconut oil, spoon the batter onto a hot pan and flatten.
  3. Cook until bubbles start to form in the batter, then flip. Cook for another few minutes until golden brown.
  4. Top with whatever you like. Some of my favourites are grated beetroot, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, coconut yoghurt dressing

* Note: change, add or omit spices to suit your taste.

Work with Jontel

If you'd like to make an in-person or Skype appointment with Jontel Kiwi Kiwi, or if you have any questions about the BePure Clinic and our Programmes, please feel free to give our support team a call on 0800 873787 or email


Ben Warren presents
'The Hormone Secret'

The Hormone Secret, presented by Ben Warren

Have stubborn weight that just won't budge, energy slumps, painful PMS or menopause issues? Join Ben Warren as he shares the secret role hormones play in your health, why our modern world is working against healthy female hormones and how to naturally heal your hormones and bring them back to balance. This is information every woman needs to know. Learn more and register here. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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BePure Health Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

Take the Questionnaire

Take the Questionnaire

BePure Health Questionnaire

Take the first step in understanding your personal health story.

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