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The Clinic Series: Corey Waterreus' Sport Nutrition Tips


Ben Warren's nationwide tour: The Hormone Secret

“It’s really important to know and understand your macronutrient profile. That way you can fuel your body with the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your individual body needs for optimal performance.” - Corey Waterreus

BePure Clinical Consultant Corey Waterreus

Meet Corey Waterreus, a Clinical Consultant at the BePure Havelock North Clinic and one of our experts when it comes to performance and sports nutrition.

With a keen interest in sports performance and the martial arts, Corey started practising Martial Arts at the age of 7, he won the under 80kg division in the 2003 NZ and Australian tournament and 28 years later, he is still practicing arts including Wing Chun and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

As an athlete, nutrition played a big role in Corey’s own personal health journey, and now as a Clinical Consultant his specialty is working with elite athletes to improve performance through nutrition and help them to achieve that ‘extra edge.’ 


1. Can you share your health story with us?

I started my career 18 years ago as a personal trainer prominently focused on the musculoskeletal system. The last 8 years of this I wanted to understand more about the impact nutrition had on health and performance.

I studied Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology at the C.H.E.K Institute, which is coincidentally where Ben originally studied. I started bringing my learnings there into my personal training sessions and also into my own nutrition practice where I started to see a lot of good results.

I met Ben in 2008 and we built a friendship. A little while later when BePure started to expand I jumped on board. I’ve also trained as a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and I’m a certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.


2. Can you tell us about how you brought these learnings into your own nutritional practice?

I’ve been practicing martial arts since I was 7 years old and while I’d say my diet was pretty good, it definitely wasn’t perfect. Understanding how important nutrition is to performance, I cleaned up my diet by cutting out all refined foods, refined sugars, went for whole food options – really all the nuts and bolts of nutrition that wasn’t nearly as common then as it is now. I also added in a lot more protein and started eating towards my macronutrient typewhich is a mixed protein type.


3. When did you know you wanted to become a consultant?

As an athlete and personal trainer I was originally focused on the musculoskeletal system. This lead onto my my passion for nutrition and becoming a Clinical Consultant really was the next step for me.

The BePure approach to health and wellness involves looking at diet, lifestyle and nutraceuticals (extra nutritional support) simultaneously, this was the approach I’d been looking for. When the role became available at BePure it was the perfect fit for me to step into. 


4. What is Your Specialty as a Clinical Consultant?

Performance is a big focus for me. I really enjoy getting to work with athletes and help them achieve that extra edge in whatever sport they’re taking part in.


5. What is something you think most athletes need to know?

"A big thing, especially for endurance based athletes, is the common concept that carb-loading is advantageous to performance. This is not necessarily true."

A big thing, especially for endurance based athletes, is the common concept that carb-loading is advantageous to performance. This is not necessarily true. It’s really important to know and understand your macronutrient profile so you can fuel your body with the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your individual body needs for optimal performance.


6. As a BePure Clinical Consultant what is the biggest challenge you see your clients facing?

I would say that the mentality side of what they’re doing is a big one. Making sure that my clients have a clear mindset to what they want to get out of their health and wellbeing is so important to them being able to succeed and achieving their goals. 

To do this, I recommend sitting down and focusing on what is the most important thing to you or where it is that you want to be? Write this down and limit it to a maximum of three goals. Put these in a place, like on your fridge, where you can review them daily. Try saying them out loud so they become more of a manifestation in your mind. Subconsciously you will start to believe they’re true and having these goals front of mind will help you to de-prioritise the smaller things in favour of what you really want.


7. How do you practice holistic health in your own life?

Your body needs the right fuel for optimal performance so I put a big focus on diet and emphasise preparation. I make sure I’m getting plenty of leafy greens, eating the right balance of fats, carbs and protein for my macronutrient profile and getting plenty of liquids.

"Your body needs the right fuel for optimal performance so I put a big focus on diet and emphasise preparation."

I also supplement my diet with the right amount of nutritional support my body needs and prioritise the key things that are important and fulfilling to me. 


8. What would you eat in a typical day?

I don’t really have a “typical day” as I like to change what I eat, but here’s an example of what I had today.

Breakfast: I was on a tight schedule this morning so I made a smoothie with coconut milk, banana, berries, green vegetables and protein powder and MCT oil which helps with energy.  
Snack: Mixture of nuts and fruit or sometimes it’ll be a raw protein bar
Lunch: I had a leafy green salad with roast vegetables and chicken leftovers
Dinner: Tonight this is probably going to be roast veggies, chicken and leafy greens, but maybe it’ll be steak with rice and leafy greens
Dessert: If I feel like it I’ll have some coconut yogurt with stewed apple and some paleo muesli.


9. What is your go-to treat?

BePure Bliss Balls

I do quite enjoy the BePure Bliss Balls Recipe on the blog. It’s a nice blend of cacao, mixed nuts and dates, so I’ll eat them pre or post workout or just as a snack throughout the day.


10. Best part of the service we offer at the clinic

It’s so individual and that is the key thing. Part of the BePure approach is that rather than playing the guessing game, we use gold standard testing to get to the underlying cause of your symptomology – that’s the really important thing about it.

If you'd like to make an in-person or Skype appointment with Corey Waterreus, or if you have any questions about the BePure Clinic and our Programmes, please feel free to give our Nutritional Support Team a call on 0800 873787 or email

Ben Warren presents
'The Hormone Secret'

The Hormone Secret, presented by Ben Warren

Have stubborn weight that just won't budge, energy slumps, painful PMS or menopause issues? Join Ben Warren as he shares the secret role hormones play in your health, why our modern world is working against healthy female hormones and how to naturally heal your hormones and bring them back to balance. This is information every woman needs to know. Learn more and register here. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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