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Coco-Loco Lavender Lotion


This week on the blog we’ve been looking at the connection between inward health and outward appearance.

We’ve talked about nourishing ourselves from the inside out and when doing so, we must not forget our biggest organ; our skin! It’s important to ensure your skin is also getting all the nutrients it needs.

Our skin absorbs up to 80% of what we put on it, including toxins in our skincare, makeup and self-care items. With this in mind, it is of course better to choose products that are natural and organic. A homemade lotion is even better, as then you know exactly what is in it, and exactly what it is. 

This lotion combines some of nature's most nutrient rich ingredients that our skins love:

  • Lavender is known for calming the mind, and is lalso great for calming the skin! Full of powerful antioxidants that fight environmental toxins, it helps reduce inflammation of the skin. It can also improve acne with it’s natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
  • Almond oil includes high amounts of vital vitamin E which can help to prevent free radical damage in your skin cells.
  • Extra virgin, organic coconut oil can help support the balance of bacteria that live on your skin as it contains antibacterial properties.


BePure Coco-Loco Lavender Lotion


  • 100ml sweet almond oil
  • 3 TB extra virgin coconut oil
  • 3 TB cocoa butter
  • 4 x capsules vitamin E oil
  • 3-5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 tbsp distilled rose water



  1. Make sure your blender, bowl and utensils are well sterilised so your lotion doesn’t grow bacteria or mould.
  2. In a heat safe glass bowl combine sweet almond oil, coconut oil and cocoa butter.
  3. Place the glass bowl on top of a saucepan partially filled with water, over medium heat. This creates a type of double boiler. Stir occasionally until everything is melted and combined.
  4. Pop into a blender and allow the oil mixture to cool until it it is thick, creamy and opaque, but not solid before blending. Note this could take a few hours so you can pop it in the refrigerator to speed up the process.
  5. Once cooled add the vitamin E oil and lavender oil then pulse blend for a few seconds.
  6. Turn the blender on to a medium/low speed and slowly pour the distilled rose water, pulsing a few times until the blend is a thick creamy consistency.
  7. Pour your moisturiser into a jar and store away from light and heat.
  8. Let stand for 24 hours for best results.
  9. Store in the fridge*
  10. Enjoy!

*As this recipe contains no emulsifiers or preservatives it is important to keep your coco-lavender lotion in the fridge to maintain its stability.

If you have a go we'd love to see! Share it with us on Instagram with #BePureBenWarren or tag us in your picture @BePureBenWarren. We'll be looking, commenting and reposting some of your creations.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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