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BePure Coconut Ceviche Salad Recipe


This week on the blog we have been looking at the connection between movement and hormones. Movement is vital to our health, aside from just looking good. The ‘why’ or the ‘benefits’ of movement go beyond our outer appearance. It has a strong connection with our hormones, mood and how we feel. 

Naturally, as the weather gets warmer we spend more time outside. Fishing is a great low-impact activity that will get you outdoors in nature. Plus you might catch yourself some fresh fish, perfect for making this week's coconut ceviche salad recipe or traditionally called kokoda - a variation of the ceviche.

Fishing is a great low-impact activity that will get you outdoors in nature.

Ceviche is a beautiful fresh fish salad, and kokoda is the incredibly tasty Fijian variation of the dish. Kokoda is raw fish, marinated in lemon or lime juice with coconut cream and chilis giving this dish a Pacific twist. Ideally, you want to find line caught fish (or catch yourself), otherwise, you can use this helpful Best Fish Guide to find sustainably caught fish near you.

Fresh Coconut Ceviche Salad Recipe

Coconut Fish Salad


  • 500 grams of fresh line caught fish. We recommend Kingfish, Trevally or Kahawai
  • 2 large red chili
  • 2 spring onions
  • 130ml coconut cream - we use Ayam
  • 5 tbsp of lime juice
  • A handful of coriander
  • Pomegranate to garnish


  1. Cut fish into chunks (about 2cm squared)
  2. Drizzle over lime juice and mix well. Marinate in the fridge while preparing other ingredients.
  3. Deseed chilies and finely chop chilies, spring onion and coriander. 
  4. Add the coconut cream and chopped ingredients to the marinated fish and mix well. Place back in the fridge for a further 40mins.
  5. Add pomegranate and extra coriander to garnish.
  6. Enjoy as a side salad or serve with corn tortillas.

With all ingredients, choose organic and spray free when possible.

If you have a go we'd love to see! Share it with us on Instagram with #BePureBenWarren or tag us in your picture @BePureBenWarren. We'll be looking, commenting and reposting some of your creations.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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