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7 Natural Steps to Healthy, Glowing Skin


BePure & Ben Warren present 'The Hormone Secret'

This week we’re talking about skin health. To achieve luminous, bright skin you need to begin by looking at the cause of the issue and getting your inner organ health in tip top shape. To do this take a look at my latest blog post, 'What everyone needs to know for optimal skin health.'

Once you've done that, it's time to take a look at your skincare routine. Many of the skincare products around today contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to our skin and body. When looking at increasing the health of your skin it’s important to remember that the majority of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your body. Before purchasing a new skin care product check the ingredient list and where possible, switch to an organic, chemical-free, natural brand.

"When looking at increasing the health of your skin it’s important to remember that the majority of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your body."

In this blog, we will cover 7 different ways to improve the health of your skin naturally and how to make these part of your daily routine.


1. Hydration

Water transports nutrients throughout the body. It aids in digestion, regulates temperature, facilitates detoxification and protects our joints. It also promotes healthy bowel movements, improves mental concentration and relieves fatigue.

"Our body is made up of 60% water, so making sure that you are getting optimal amounts of water is essential for hydrated, healthy skin.


Our body is made up of 60% water, so making sure that you are getting optimal amounts of water is essential for hydrated, healthy skin.

Staying hydrated is also a good way to keep our lymphatic system flushing and moving metabolic waste out of our body. It’s essential to our bodies ability to detoxify, nourish and regenerate tissue – a blockage can lead to skin issues like blemishes and eczema.

Being hydrated will mean drinking different amounts of fluid to different people. To make sure you're drinking the right amount of water according to your weight, try using this formula.

0.033 litres per kg of body weight, which roughly equates to the following amounts:

  •  60 kg = 2 litres
  •  75 kg = 2.5 litres
  •  90 kg= 3 litres
  •  105 kg = 3.5 litres
Water and caffeine free herbal teas are the best ways we recommend to get your fluid intake. It's important to remember that black tea and coffee do not count and can actually increase dehydration. If you drink one coffee it takes two glasses of water to break even as far as hydration goes.

2. Dry Body Brushing & Exfoliating 

Dry Body Brushing is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment and involves brushing your body with a soft bristled brush. No oil or liquid is necessary and you brush in circular strokes towards your heart.

"Dry brushing is a great way to improve circulation and help drain your lymphatic system."

Your lymphatic system is a circulatory system and when functioning optimally, it helps to clear toxins and metabolic waste. Dry brushing is a great way to improve circulation and help drain your lymphatic system.

One-third of your body’s toxins are excreted through the skin. Dry brushing also helps to unclog pores which help prevent toxins getting trapped in your skin on the way out. If these toxins cannot to pass through effectively, then they will build up and contribute to common skin conditions, such as acne. Try doing this before your daily bath or shower. Once a week switch this for a gentle exfoliating scrub routine. This brings the blood to the surface of your skin, transporting essential nutrients with it. 


3. Epsom Salts Baths

Epsom salts contain a large amount of magnesium and sulfur. Studies have found that regular Epsom salts baths can help your body absorb the minerals in the salt, helping to raise your body's levels of magnesium. Magnesium sulphate is the magnesium form found in Epsom salt and its sulfuric content helps with phase two detoxification in your liver.

"Studies have found that regular Epsom salts baths can help your body absorb the minerals in the salt, helping to raise blood levels of magnesium."

It is also great for localised muscular pain. If you suffer from arthritis, joint pain or any form of inflammation, soaking in an Epsom salts bath is a great idea.

Finally, Epsom salt baths are a great method of relaxation. In addition to the minerals you receive from the Epsom salts, relaxation has a positive side effect on your cortisol levels and stress response.

To do this, simply add Epsom salts to a warm bath and soak for at least 15 minutes but no more than 20mins. Because Epsom salts are detoxifying, it is best to start with a small amount, I recommend ½ a cup, and build up. Epsom salts baths can also be relieving for people with eczema.

Please note: If you have a heart condition it is best to speak to your doctor before starting with an Epsom salts bath.


4. Steam Bath or Sauna

A steam bath or sauna encourages your pores to open which allows your lymphatic system to eliminate toxins from your body. 

"A steam bath or sauna encourages your pores to open which allows your lymphatic system to eliminate toxins from your body." 

To do this at home fill a sink or a bowl with hot water, add a drop of peppermint and/or tea tree essential oil. Sit with your face above the water and use a towel over your head to trap the steam. Stay here for 10mins. Follow a steam bath with the coconut oil massage routine below.


5. Wash your face with oil

Many cleansers today contain harmful toxins. A great solution is to wash your face with coconut oil instead. If possible, extra virgin, organic, unrefined coconut oil is the gold standard option I recommend. Containing antibacterial properties, coconut oil can help support the balance of bacteria that live on your skin.

Start with a warm washcloth over your face for 30 seconds to open your pores. Melt a small amount of coconut oil between your fingers and massage it into your skin in circular motions. Pay particular attention to your jaw and cheeks. The circular massage motions can help flush the lymph nodes and bring fresh blood to the surface of your skin. Wipe any excess oil away with a damp cloth.


6. Take Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is a very important nutrient for hormone production. As we discuss in, 'what everyone needs to know for optimal skin health,' hormone balance is important for skin health. It’s also co-factor production of collagen which makes up the structure of our skin cells so can help to support supple, firm skin.

The BePure vitamin C nutritional support, BePure SuperBoost C, also contains very strong anti-oxidant properties which will help fight any damage done in the body or skin.

I recommend adding 1/2 - a full teaspoon of BePure Super Boost C into a glass of water each morning. 


7. Eat for Good Skin

Adding organic, nutrient dense produce into your diet is a key part of the BePure philosophy. For healthy skin add these fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.  

Organic Berries: Berries are part of the dirty dozen so it’s best to buy organic berry produce to avoid herbicides and pesticides. Berries are great in smoothies and contain many antioxidants that will help to protect against environmental stress factors and support radiant skin.

Avocado: While not in season now, they're a delicious addition to almost every meal in the warmer months. As a great source of healthy fats, avocados enable your body to efficiently absorb fat-soluble nutrients for skin health. They also contain the antioxidant, carotenoids, which fights free radicals and protects your skin from environmental damage.

Lemon and cucumbers: These are both examples of alkalising foods that are hydrating, nourishing and contain astringent properties. These are very good for skin and digestion and help fight inflammation when a breakout is coming on! I like to start every day with a large glass of water and lemon juice. 

Almonds: This is one of my favourite nutrient dense snacks. Almonds also include high amounts of vital vitamin E which can help to prevent free radical damage in your skin cells.


Ben Warren presents
'The Hormone Secret'   

The Hormone Secret, presented by Ben Warren

Have stubborn weight that just won't budge, energy slumps, painful PMS or menopause issues? Join Ben Warren as he shares the secret role hormones play in your health, why our modern world is working against healthy female hormones and how to naturally heal your hormones and bring them back to balance. This is information every woman needs to know. Learn more and register here. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure. We are all unique, for your individual health concerns it is important to discuss these with a BePure Holistic Health Consultant or relevant health professional.

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